Envy is the price of not knowing yourself

Sometime in 2024 i did some business coaching (​hire Dana, she's fantastic​) and this from Lawrence Yeo hits different now:

“Envy is inversely correlated with self-examination. The less you know yourself, the more you look to others to get an idea of your worth. But the more you delve into who you are, the less you seek from others, and the dissolution of envy begins.”

This last part is what got me: that these things feel like they dissolve over time. For example, the pressure to need to do what every other indie strategist does, or show up where everyone else is.

Sure, there is merit in that, but i have to say i'm increasingly less envious of ‘social media famous’ folks out there. This isn't a dig, more power to them. But it's not my game.

My game is writing the most thoughtful blog and newsletter i can, with the hope that you and i learn something along the way. I'd rather optimise for the algorithm of your mind, than for the algorithm of the hive mind.

My game is also running a sustainable business that works on my terms, instead of hustling until exhaustion. There are other games i play, but these two are useful to come back to while the 'thought leaders' keep arguing.

So next time you feel envious about someone, consider asking yourself:

  • Is this my game to play? (does anyone need more carousels about Patagonia's strategy?)

  • What's the opportunity cost of playing it? (more time doing X means less time doing Y)

  • Why should i play it like they are? (play with what works for the market and your mind)

There’s a more sustainable blueprint for how we work as strategists, but the real trick here is no one can dictate it for you. Also makes this journey more fun; who likes rigid instructions anyway?

Written by Rob Estreitinho, a strategist and writer who founded Salmon Labs. Here’s how else we can help you:

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    Rob Estreitinho

    Founder & Head of Strategy.


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